
Mr. John Shaw – Principal

Casey Central Secondary College was established in 2009 temporarily on the grounds of Hillsmeade PS. We became Alkira Secondary College in 2010 when we moved to our present site as one of the first PPP or public private partnership schools under the PVIS model. Our award winning facilities are modern, agile and built for pedagogical purpose. We have grown to 1165 students and have emerged as an active member of the Casey network of schools.

Statement Of Purpose

The school vision “to secure the entitlements of every student” reflects our responsibility to establish a place in our community, providing personalised learning in a happy learning environment while supporting our shared values of respect, integrity, care and excellence.

More About Us

Our first generation, under the leadership of Principal Mr Ian McKenzie, embarked on a journey with high expectations, a commitment to improvement and a focus on 21C learning and teaching. Our staff are influenced by the middle year’s philosophy of education and the lessons and research of Zbar, Hattie, Marzano and Fullan.

A SWIS (schools within school) model was implemented to strengthen the notion of personalised learning and understanding and building positive relationships. It was also the best way to support the professional development of staff ensuring goal congruence, as our culture developed.

Pastoral Care is a significant aspect of the SWIS model and further supports the notion of securing the entitlements of all students. Pastoral Care has a focus on developing student learning experiences with the notion that the PC teacher and sub school support team continues to plan for student improvement.

An orderly learning environment is supported by high and consistent expectations and the use of a behaviour management process that supports a student’s right to a safe and secure learning environment, and a teacher’s right to direct and establish such an environment. The program is very successful as it focuses on students’ work and provides an opportunity for reflection and involves a restorative process.

As a focus on what matters most, the College supported the introduction of the Highly Reliable Literacy Teaching Procedures (HRLTPs) through the John Munro Literacy program and later introduced the FUN Finding understanding in Numeracy and GRIN Getting ready in Numeracy as intervention programs in numeracy.

Under the big sky banner, a personalised program has been introduced in year 9, seeing students taught in gender specific classes in core subjects and a wide variety of electives provided to support an overarching independent learning experience for the students.

Pathway programs are established in years 10 -12 and include opportunities for students to be involved in VCAL or VCE and supplement their programs with a VET program in their chosen vocational area. The College is a member of the Cranbourne VET cluster and has made a successful bid for a trade training centre in Hospitality.

The College has International school status and welcomes international students each year. We have developed an extensive international partnership or network of sister schools in China, India and Korea. Alkira has a teacher professional partnerships with Japan and Korea and a leadership network with Singapore.

We have embraced 21C learning and are looking to implement a full BYOD program. A more purposeful pedagogical response to BYOD is being explored and will be included in future teaching protocols.


School Grounds

Students enjoying the weather in the Agora